Endless Possibilities !! A new Industrial revolution in 3D metal printing is emerging faster than you can imagine.
Now nothing is obsolete, nothing has to be thrown away just because its broken, small 3D metal printing companies will exist in garages and offices.
The future is here now.
Airtec Filtration Ltd. and Ztechnique realised some time hence the opportunities that exist to reverse engineer almost anything and in particular metal and plastic spare parts for oil flooded , oil free, screw and turbo and reciprocating equipment.
That 50 + year old machine needn't be thrown in the trash but saved by scanning the broken part , making it better than before and improving the material it's made from.
Let's suppose your plants down and you need a replacement part fast. The OEM Manufacture has stated that the parts are no longer available (to sell you a new compressor!) and your haemorrhaging lost production costs .
We can visit your factory, or you send the part to us, we scan the broken part and 3D print out a new part, yes its really that simple and faster and less expensive than waiting weeks for a new part (if its available)
Our business can help you drive down repair costs.
Contact us now click here |
 The FARO Arm can scan your broken partUsing the latest technology in 3D scanners we can replicate your broken part quickly into our software.
It can then be modified to be stronger if you wish or made exactly the same as before. |
 Oil Injector for an Atlas Copco Z element was made in this way We had exactly that problem with an old design of an Atlas Copco Z element oil injector that was broken.
We scanned the old injector and made a new better than previous new model and we made it in Stainless Steel so it's more durable and less resistant to damage
The OEM will not sell you this part as its part of a Stage 1 oil free element. |
 Huge saving for an Atlas Copco MD dryer user Recently one of our customers that employs Atlas Copco MD dryers on plant experienced a fault that was traced to the injector nozzle installed inside the MD drum
(see the image below for reference )
The MD air dryer performance had been falling steadily by observing decreasing dewpoint. The actual fault was a damaged injector nozzle from what appears to have been heavy handed internal service carrying out a 8000 hour inspection in the past.
The customer uses the MD dryer at 7 bar pressure so a standard nozzle was required. The dryer size is an MD1300VSD which uses part number 1617 5064 02 MD1300 W VSDthe new OEM cost is £1,500 pounds plus installation labour for this nozzle with a rather longer delivery than was acceptable to the customer. Considerations where even given to renting a hired in desiccant dryer to cover the factory which would have added a huge repair cost to this problem.
Read more here Click |
 MD1300 VSD Air Dryer Nozzle broken , we made a new one ! simple MD1300 VSD Nozzle OEM cost new £1500 pounds |
 New Innovative oil free compressor design is possible Using the very same 3D printing technology we are prototyping a new kind of direct drive oil free VSD Low pressure concept compressor.
We can quickly make small low-cost models of this design and test them before costly moulds and castings are made. |
 Reverse Engineer Rotor Designs Using our FARO scanner and design team we are able to scan and take rotors and re model them in our software ready for prototyping and then full rotor cutting in our Asia facility |
 Reworking traditional seal designs to improve the performance Reworking traditional seal designs to improve the performance
In this scenario we have found a weakness in a traditional oil free seal design and re modelled the seal cartridge assembly with a larger central seal. Using 3D printing prototypes we have been able to offer up the revised seal assembly to the air end and check the function before manufacturing 100,s of the seals, lowest costs solutions to complex problems |
"The only restriction to solving a problem is your own imagination " Mark Whalley BDMCan we help you ?
Please call us now on 0044 (0) 1744 733211 or email us email link |
Airtec Filtration & AirHire.co.uk Oil Free & Oil Flooded Compressor Spares